950 resultados para Stability and Robustness


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The question at issue in this dissertation is the epistemic role played by ecological generalizations and models. I investigate and analyze such properties of generalizations as lawlikeness, invariance, and stability, and I ask which of these properties are relevant in the context of scientific explanations. I will claim that there are generalizable and reliable causal explanations in ecology by generalizations, which are invariant and stable. An invariant generalization continues to hold or be valid under a special change called an intervention that changes the value of its variables. Whether a generalization remains invariant during its interventions is the criterion that determines whether it is explanatory. A generalization can be invariant and explanatory regardless of its lawlike status. Stability deals with a generality that has to do with holding of a generalization in possible background conditions. The more stable a generalization, the less dependent it is on background conditions to remain true. Although it is invariance rather than stability of generalizations that furnishes us with explanatory generalizations, there is an important function that stability has in this context of explanations, namely, stability furnishes us with extrapolability and reliability of scientific explanations. I also discuss non-empirical investigations of models that I call robustness and sensitivity analyses. I call sensitivity analyses investigations in which one model is studied with regard to its stability conditions by making changes and variations to the values of the model s parameters. As a general definition of robustness analyses I propose investigations of variations in modeling assumptions of different models of the same phenomenon in which the focus is on whether they produce similar or convergent results or not. Robustness and sensitivity analyses are powerful tools for studying the conditions and assumptions where models break down and they are especially powerful in pointing out reasons as to why they do this. They show which conditions or assumptions the results of models depend on. Key words: ecology, generalizations, invariance, lawlikeness, philosophy of science, robustness, explanation, models, stability


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El propósito de esta tesis es presentar una metodología para realizar análisis de la dinámica en pequeña señal y el comportamiento de sistemas de alimentación distribuidos de corriente continua (CC), formados por módulos comerciales. Para ello se hace uso de un método sencillo que indica los márgenes de estabilidad menos conservadores posibles mediante un solo número. Este índice es calculado en cada una de las interfaces que componen el sistema y puede usarse para obtener un índice global que indica la estabilidad del sistema global. De esta manera se posibilita la comparación de sistemas de alimentación distribuidos en términos de robustez. La interconexión de convertidores CC-CC entre ellos y con los filtros EMI necesarios puede originar interacciones no deseadas que dan lugar a la degradación del comportamiento de los convertidores, haciendo el sistema más propenso a inestabilidades. Esta diferencia en el comportamiento se debe a interacciones entre las impedancias de los diversos elementos del sistema. En la mayoría de los casos, los sistemas de alimentación distribuida están formados por módulos comerciales cuya estructura interna es desconocida. Por ello los análisis presentados en esta tesis se basan en medidas de la respuesta en frecuencia del convertidor que pueden realizarse desde los terminales de entrada y salida del mismo. Utilizando las medidas de las impedancias de entrada y salida de los elementos del sistema, se puede construir una función de sensibilidad que proporciona los márgenes de estabilidad de las diferentes interfaces. En esta tesis se utiliza el concepto del valor máximo de la función de sensibilidad (MPC por sus siglas en inglés) para indicar los márgenes de estabilidad como un único número. Una vez que la estabilidad de todas las interfaces del sistema se han evaluado individualmente, los índices obtenidos pueden combinarse para obtener un único número con el que comparar la estabilidad de diferentes sistemas. Igualmente se han analizado las posibles interacciones en la entrada y la salida de los convertidores CC-CC, obteniéndose expresiones analíticas con las que describir en detalle los acoplamientos generados en el sistema. Los estudios analíticos realizados se han validado experimentalmente a lo largo de la tesis. El análisis presentado en esta tesis se culmina con la obtención de un índice que condensa los márgenes de estabilidad menos conservativos. También se demuestra que la robustez del sistema está asegurada si las impedancias utilizadas en la función de sensibilidad se obtienen justamente en la entrada o la salida del subsistema que está siendo analizado. Por otra parte, la tesis presenta un conjunto de parámetros internos asimilados a impedancias, junto con sus expresiones analíticas, que permiten una explicación detallada de las interacciones en el sistema. Dichas expresiones analíticas pueden obtenerse bien mediante las funciones de transferencia analíticas si se conoce la estructura interna, o utilizando medidas en frecuencia o identificación de las mismas a través de la respuesta temporal del convertidor. De acuerdo a las metodologías presentadas en esta tesis se puede predecir la estabilidad y el comportamiento de sistemas compuestos básicamente por convertidores CC-CC y filtros, cuya estructura interna es desconocida. La predicción se basa en un índice que condensa la información de los márgenes de estabilidad y que permite la obtención de un indicador de la estabilidad global de todo el sistema, permitiendo la comparación de la estabilidad de diferentes arquitecturas de sistemas de alimentación distribuidos. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to present dynamic small-signal stability and performance analysis methodology for dc-distributed systems consisting of commercial power modules. Furthermore, the objective is to introduce simple method to state the least conservative margins for robust stability as a single number. In addition, an index characterizing the overall system stability is obtained, based on which different dc-distributed systems can be compared in terms of robustness. The interconnected systems are prone to impedance-based interactions which might lead to transient-performance degradation or even instability. These systems typically are constructed using commercial converters with unknown internal structure. Therefore, the analysis presented throughout this thesis is based on frequency responses measurable from the input and output terminals. The stability margins are stated utilizing a concept of maximum peak criteria, derived from the behavior of impedance-based sensitivity function that provides a single number to state robust stability. Using this concept, the stability information at every system interface is combined to a meaningful number to state the average robustness of the system. In addition, theoretical formulas are extracted to assess source and load side interactions in order to describe detailed couplings within the system. The presented theoretical analysis methodologies are experimentally validated throughout the thesis. In this thesis, according to the presented analysis, the least conservative stability margins are provided as a single number guaranteeing robustness. It is also shown that within the interconnected system the robust stability is ensured only if the impedance-based minor-loop gain is determined at the very input or output of each subsystem. Moreover, a complete set of impedance-type internal parameters as well as the formulas according to which the interaction sensitivity can be fully explained and analyzed, is provided. The given formulation can be utilized equally either based on measured frequency responses, time-domain identified internal parameters or extracted analytic transfer functions. Based on the analysis methodologies presented in this thesis, the stability and performance of interconnected systems consisting of converters with unknown internal structure, can be predicted. Moreover, the provided concept to assess the least conservative stability margins enables to obtain an index to state the overall robust stability of distributed power architecture and thus to compare different systems in terms of stability.


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BOOK REVIEWS Multibody System Mechanics: Modelling, Stability, Control, and Ro- bustness, by V. A. Konoplev and A. Cheremensky, Mathematics and its Appli- cations Vol. 1, Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Sofia, 2001, XXII + 288 pp., $ 65.00, ISBN 954-8880-09-01


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Active learning approaches reduce the annotation cost required by traditional supervised approaches to reach the same effectiveness by actively selecting informative instances during the learning phase. However, effectiveness and robustness of the learnt models are influenced by a number of factors. In this paper we investigate the factors that affect the effectiveness, more specifically in terms of stability and robustness, of active learning models built using conditional random fields (CRFs) for information extraction applications. Stability, defined as a small variation of performance when small variation of the training data or a small variation of the parameters occur, is a major issue for machine learning models, but even more so in the active learning framework which aims to minimise the amount of training data required. The factors we investigate are a) the choice of incremental vs. standard active learning, b) the feature set used as a representation of the text (i.e., morphological features, syntactic features, or semantic features) and c) Gaussian prior variance as one of the important CRFs parameters. Our empirical findings show that incremental learning and the Gaussian prior variance lead to more stable and robust models across iterations. Our study also demonstrates that orthographical, morphological and contextual features as a group of basic features play an important role in learning effective models across all iterations.


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Finding a multidimensional potential landscape is the key for addressing important global issues, such as the robustness of cellular networks. We have uncovered the underlying potential energy landscape of a simple gene regulatory network: a toggle switch. This was realized by explicitly constructing the steady state probability of the gene switch in the protein concentration space in the presence of the intrinsic statistical fluctuations due to the small number of proteins in the cell. We explored the global phase space for the system. We found that the protein synthesis rate and the unbinding rate of proteins to the gene were small relative to the protein degradation rate; the gene switch is monostable with only one stable basin of attraction. When both the protein synthesis rate and the unbinding rate of proteins to the gene are large compared with the protein degradation rate, two global basins of attraction emerge for a toggle switch. These basins correspond to the biologically stable functional states. The potential energy barrier between the two basins determines the time scale of conversion from one to the other. We found as the protein synthesis rate and protein unbinding rate to the gene relative to the protein degradation rate became larger, the potential energy barrier became larger. This also corresponded to systems with less noise or the fluctuations on the protein numbers.


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The evolutionary stability of cooperation is a problem of fundamental importance for the biological and social sciences. Different claims have been made about this issue: whereas Axelrod and Hamilton's [Axelrod, R. & Hamilton, W. (1981) Science 211, 1390-1398] widely recognized conclusion is that cooperative rules such as "tit for tat" are evolutionarily stable strategies in the iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD), Boyd and Lorberbaum [Boyd, R. & Lorberbaum, J. (1987) Nature (London) 327, 58-59] have claimed that no pure strategy is evolutionarily stable in this game. Here we explain why these claims are not contradictory by showing in what sense strategies in the IPD can and cannot be stable and by creating a conceptual framework that yields the type of evolutionary stability attainable in the IPD and in repeated games in general. Having established the relevant concept of stability, we report theorems on some basic properties of strategies that are stable in this sense. We first show that the IPD has "too many" such strategies, so that being stable does not discriminate among behavioral rules. Stable strategies differ, however, on a property that is crucial for their evolutionary survival--the size of the invasion they can resist. This property can be interpreted as a strategy's evolutionary robustness. Conditionally cooperative strategies such as tit for tat are the most robust. Cooperative behavior supported by these strategies is the most robust evolutionary equilibrium: the easiest to attain, and the hardest to disrupt.


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This paper presents findings from an Australian study examining the behavioral correlates and stability of social status for preschool-aged children. The social status of an initial sample of 187 (94 boys and 93 girls) preschool children (mean age 62.4 months, SD = 4.22) was determined through sociometric assessment. Children classified as rejected, neglected and popular (n = 70) were selected for observation. Children were observed for a total of 25 minutes over a three-month period engaging in free play within their preschool centers. Results indicated that children classified as popular were more likely than rejected or neglected children to engage in cooperative play, ongoing connected conversation and to display positive affect. Popular children were less likely than rejected or neglected children to engage in parallel play, onlooker behavior or alone directed behavior. Six months after initial sociometric classification, sociometric interviews were repeated to test for stability and change. Results indicated that preschool-aged children’s social status classifications showed a moderate to high rate of stability for those children classified as popular, rejected and neglected.


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In this paper, we consider the variable-order nonlinear fractional diffusion equation View the MathML source where xRα(x,t) is a generalized Riesz fractional derivative of variable order View the MathML source and the nonlinear reaction term f(u,x,t) satisfies the Lipschitz condition |f(u1,x,t)-f(u2,x,t)|less-than-or-equals, slantL|u1-u2|. A new explicit finite-difference approximation is introduced. The convergence and stability of this approximation are proved. Finally, some numerical examples are provided to show that this method is computationally efficient. The proposed method and techniques are applicable to other variable-order nonlinear fractional differential equations.


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In this paper, we consider the following non-linear fractional reaction–subdiffusion process (NFR-SubDP): Formula where f(u, x, t) is a linear function of u, the function g(u, x, t) satisfies the Lipschitz condition and 0Dt1–{gamma} is the Riemann–Liouville time fractional partial derivative of order 1 – {gamma}. We propose a new computationally efficient numerical technique to simulate the process. Firstly, the NFR-SubDP is decoupled, which is equivalent to solving a non-linear fractional reaction–subdiffusion equation (NFR-SubDE). Secondly, we propose an implicit numerical method to approximate the NFR-SubDE. Thirdly, the stability and convergence of the method are discussed using a new energy method. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to show the application of the present technique. This method and supporting theoretical results can also be applied to fractional integrodifferential equations.


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This paper investigates the problem of appropriate load sharing in an autonomous microgrid. High gain angle droop control ensures proper load sharing, especially under weak system conditions. However it has a negative impact on overall stability. Frequency domain modeling, eigenvalue analysis and time domain simulations are used to demonstrate this conflict. A supplementary loop is proposed around a conventional droop control of each DG converter to stabilize the system while using high angle droop gains. Control loops are based on local power measurement and modulation of the d-axis voltage reference of each converter. Coordinated design of supplementary control loops for each DG is formulated as a parameter optimization problem and solved using an evolutionary technique. The sup-plementary droop control loop is shown to stabilize the system for a range of operating conditions while ensuring satisfactory load sharing.


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Purpose: To investigate the impact of glaucomatous visual impairment on postural sway and falls among older adults.Methods: The sample comprised 72 community-dwelling older adults with open-angle glaucoma, aged 74.0 5.8 years (range 62 to 90 years). Measures of visual function included binocular visual acuity (high-contrast), binocular contrast sensitivity (Pelli- Robson) and binocular visual fields (merged monocular HFA 24-2 SITA-Std). Postural stability was assessed under four conditions: eyes open and closed, on a firm and on a foam surface. Falls were monitored for six months with prospective falls diaries. Regression models, adjusting for age and gender, examined the association between vision measures and postural stability (linear regression) and the number of falls (negative binomial regression). Results: Greater visual field loss was significantly associated with poorer postural stability with eyes open, both on firm (r = 0.34, p < 0.01) and foam (r = 0.45, p < 0.001) surfaces. Eighteen (25 per cent) participants experienced at least one fall: 12 (17 per cent) participants fell only once and six (eight per cent) participants fell two or more times (up to five falls). Visual field loss was significantly associated with falling; the rate of falls doubled for every 10 dB reduction in field sensitivity (rate ratio = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.02–1.13). Importantly, in a model comprising upper and lower field sensitivity, only lower field loss was significantly associated with the number of falls (rate ratio = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.04–1.33). Conclusions: Binocular visual field loss was significantly associated with postural instability and falls among older adults with glaucoma. These findings provide valuable directions for developing falls risk assessment and falls prevention strategies for this population.


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Fractional Fokker-Planck equations (FFPEs) have gained much interest recently for describing transport dynamics in complex systems that are governed by anomalous diffusion and nonexponential relaxation patterns. However, effective numerical methods and analytic techniques for the FFPE are still in their embryonic state. In this paper, we consider a class of time-space fractional Fokker-Planck equations with a nonlinear source term (TSFFPE-NST), which involve the Caputo time fractional derivative (CTFD) of order α ∈ (0, 1) and the symmetric Riesz space fractional derivative (RSFD) of order μ ∈ (1, 2). Approximating the CTFD and RSFD using the L1-algorithm and shifted Grunwald method, respectively, a computationally effective numerical method is presented to solve the TSFFPE-NST. The stability and convergence of the proposed numerical method are investigated. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out to support the theoretical claims.